Discover how LOMA's platform simplifies local marketing for multi-unit brands in our latest video. Designed as a central hub, it captures and analyzes all local marketing activities in one place. Easily track spending by location and access summarized data through our intuitive dashboard. This visibility empowers franchise owners to validate contractually obligated spending, while marketing teams gain control over local funds to drive impactful results. Experience the power of centralized marketing management at
Featured resources
Resources we think you should read.
LOMA’s Enterprise Platform: Redefining Your Everyday
One thing that sets apart LOMA’s Enterprise Marketing Platform is that it understands the heart of marketing.
Why Do Multi-Unit Brands Have Trouble Tracking Local Marketing Activity? Here are 4 Must-Know Solutions.
Ensuring franchisees have the autonomy to engage in effective LSM and providing a solution so they can be transparent with their activities can foster trust, efficiency, and ultimately better business decisions.
Local Store Marketing's Strategic Shift: From Pre-Pandemic Foundations to Current Best Practices
In the face of such adversity, the LSM landscape didn't just adapt; it innovated. There was a marked shift from traditional in-person engagement strategies to digitally-anchored ones.